Monday 21 August 2023

Did you know Pumice stone does not drown in water?

The only stone that does not drown in water is pumice stone. Pumice is a type of volcanic rock that is formed when lava cools quickly and forms gas bubbles. These gas bubbles make pumice very light, so it has a lower density than water and floats on top of it.

Other types of rocks, such as granite, sandstone, and marble, have a higher density than water and will sink. This is because the density of an object is determined by its mass and volume. The more mass an object has, the higher its density will be. The more volume an object has, the lower its density will be.

Pumice has a low density because it has a lot of air bubbles in it. These air bubbles take up space, but they don't have much mass. This means that the overall density of pumice is much lower than the density of water.

Pumice is a very useful material. It is used in a variety of applications, including as an abrasive, a polishing agent, and a lightweight aggregate. It is also used to make pumice stone gardens, which are popular in Japan

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