Saturday 28 October 2023

Quick Reference Sheet: Azure

 Basic Commands

  • az account list: List all Azure accounts associated with the current user.

  • az account show: Display the details of the current Azure account.

  • az login: Log in to Azure.

  • az logout: Log out of Azure.

  • az vm list: List all virtual machines in the current Azure subscription.

  • az vm show: Display the details of a specific virtual machine.

  • az vm create: Create a new virtual machine.

  • az vm delete: Delete a virtual machine.

  • az storage account list: List all storage accounts in the current Azure subscription.

  • az storage account show: Display the details of a specific storage account.

  • az storage account create: Create a new storage account.

  • az storage account delete: Delete a storage account.

  • az network vnet list: List all virtual networks in the current Azure subscription.

  • az network vnet show: Display the details of a specific virtual network.

  • az network vnet create: Create a new virtual network.

  • az network vnet delete: Delete a virtual network.

Advanced Commands

  • az vm run-command: Run a command on a virtual machine.

  • az vm snapshot create: Create a snapshot of a virtual machine.

  • az vm snapshot restore: Restore a virtual machine from a snapshot.

  • az vm image create: Create a custom image from a virtual machine.

  • az vm image deploy: Deploy a virtual machine from a custom image.

  • az storage blob list: List all blobs in a storage account container.

  • az storage blob upload: Upload a blob to a storage account container.

  • az storage blob download: Download a blob from a storage account container.

  • az network vnet subnet create: Create a new subnet in a virtual network.

  • az network vnet peering create: Create a peering between two virtual networks.

  • az network nsg create: Create a new network security group.

  • az network nsg rule create: Create a new rule in a network security group.

Additional Commands

  • az appservice webapp list: List all web apps in the current Azure subscription.

  • az appservice webapp show: Display the details of a specific web app.

  • az appservice webapp create: Create a new web app.

  • az appservice webapp delete: Delete a web app.

  • az sql server list: List all SQL servers in the current Azure subscription.

  • az sql server show: Display the details of a specific SQL server.

  • az sql server create: Create a new SQL server.

  • az sql server delete: Delete a SQL server.

  • az sql database list: List all SQL databases in the current Azure subscription.

  • az sql database show: Display the details of a specific SQL database.

  • az sql database create: Create a new SQL database.

  • az sql database delete: Delete a SQL database.

  • az cosmosdb database list: List all Cosmos DB databases in the current Azure subscription.

  • az cosmosdb database show: Display the details of a specific Cosmos DB database.

  • az cosmosdb database create: Create a new Cosmos DB database.

  • az cosmosdb database delete: Delete a Cosmos DB database.

  • az acr repository list: List all container registries in the current Azure subscription.

  • az acr repository show: Display the details of a specific container registry.

  • az acr repository create: Create a new container registry.

  • az acr repository delete: Delete a container registry.

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