Here is a full basic to advanced reference sheet for Red Hat Linux with
Basic Commands
ls: List the contents of the current directory.
cd: Change directory.
pwd: Print the working directory.
mkdir: Create a new directory.
rmdir: Remove a directory.
cp: Copy a file or directory.
mv: Move a file or directory.
rm: Remove a file or directory.
touch: Create a new file.
cat: Concatenate and print files.
grep: Search for a pattern in a file.
sudo: Execute a command as the root user.
Package Management
yum: The default package manager in Red Hat Linux.
yum install: Install a package.
yum update: Update all installed packages.
yum remove: Remove a package.
yum search: Search for a package.
yum info: Get information about a package.
dnf: A newer package manager that is replacing yum in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.
dnf install: Install a package.
dnf update: Update all installed packages.
dnf remove: Remove a package.
dnf search: Search for a package.
dnf info: Get information about a package.
System Administration
systemctl: Control system services.
systemctl start: Start a system service.
systemctl stop: Stop a system service.
systemctl enable: Enable a system service to start at boot.
systemctl disable: Disable a system service from starting at boot.
ps aux: List all running processes.
top: Monitor system performance and resource usage.
df: Display disk usage statistics.
du: Display disk usage statistics for a directory.
free: Display memory usage statistics.
htop: An interactive process viewer.
useradd: Create a new user account.
userdel: Delete a user account.
passwd: Change the password for a user account.
groupadd: Create a new group.
groupdel: Delete a group.
gpasswd: Change the password for a group.
Network Commands
ifconfig: Display network interface information.
ip: Configure network interfaces.
ping: Test network connectivity to a host.
traceroute: Trace the route of a packet to a host.
nslookup: Resolve a hostname to an IP address.
dig: Perform DNS queries.
netstat: Display network statistics.
ss: Display socket statistics.
tcpdump: Capture and analyze network traffic.
wireshark: A graphical network analyzer.
Other Useful Commands
man: Display the man page for a command.
history: Display the command history.
alias: Create an alias for a command.
export: Set an environment variable.
unset: Unset an environment variable.
find: Find files and directories.
tar: Create and extract archive files.
gzip: Compress files.
bzip2: Compress files.
unzip: Extract zip archive files.
tarball: A tar archive file that is compressed with gzip.
rpm: Manage RPM packages.
sed: Perform search and replace operations on files.
awk: Perform pattern matching and processing on files.
vim: A powerful text editor.
nano: A simple text editor.
Advanced Commands
lvm: Logical Volume Management.
firewalld: Firewall management.
selinux: Security-Enhanced Linux.
rsync: Remote file transfer and synchronization.
ssh: Secure Shell.
sudoers: Configure sudo permissions.
cron: Job scheduling.
sysctl: Configure system kernel parameters.
module: Load and unload kernel modules.
strace: Trace system calls.
ltrace: Trace library calls.
gdb: GNU Debugger.
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